Global Domains International offers the opportunity to build your own online business and to make money working just a few hours on your computer, every day, anywhere in the world. Thousands of people have already chosen a life without stress and worries. Choose financial freedom!!
More details at: Name: viorel simionescu E-mail:
Rodjena 1953 godine u Azanji kod Smed. Palanke. Zavrsila VPS u Beogradu 1975. Radila u vise skola u opstini Sm. Palanka i u Smederevu.
Pored rada u skoli bavi se slikanjem i crtanjem a i godinama uspesno vodi decju likovnu radionicu u Smederevu.
Imala pet samostalnih i tridesetak kolektivnih izlozbi.
1 comment:
GDI, the best online business!!
Global Domains International offers the opportunity
to build your own online business and to make money
working just a few hours on your computer, every day,
anywhere in the world.
Thousands of people have already chosen a life without
stress and worries. Choose financial freedom!!
More details at:
Name: viorel simionescu
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